
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Forest

Hello Loyal Followers! We've got some gorgeous terrain screenshots to show off! Dillon put a lot of work into finishing the terrain up, with the final tweaks still to come. In other news,  Alex is texturing his improved Little Leaf model, and Kris is developing new assets for the Dreamworld. Leandro is implementing herb gathering mechanics and other gameplay elements. Dillon is prototyping the UI and I'm going to add some downloadable wallpapers to the website soon! As always, we appreciate your support! - Amanda, Legendary Minutes Team

Meet the Team: Alex

Hello Loyal Followers!  Another 3D artist has joined our ranks! Alex is adding realism to Little Leaf with new details and equipment. NAME    Alex Javor LOCATION   Eagle River, Alaska ROLE   3D Artist, Character Modeler INTERESTS    Coffee is a necessity. Also rock climbing, hunting, games obviously, and dogs. If you could be any animal, which would you be and why? A fat little bird. The raptors get the glory as they are much more majestic, but in truth their lives are hard. Fat little birds find their food easily - bugs and such - and spend most of their time playing and singing songs with their large extended families. What a life! What inspires you in Native American culture? Absent notions of ownership and man's divine right, I believe the Native Americans were very innocent in a way, and even today you'll find that the further you get from civilization, the more honest and balanced people are. Thanks for reading! - Ama...

Meet the Team: Kris

Hello Loyal Followers!  We're welcoming two new 3D artists to the team! First up, Kris. NAME   Kris Vaughan LOCATION   New Kent, Virginia ROLE   3D Artist, 3D Animator INTERESTS    It might seem strange but I am interested in games, gaming, and gamification. Lover of both video and tabletop. Also interested in dope music and animations. If you could be any animal, which would you be and why? Despite my Otter patronus, I would probably be a Fenic fox and just run around in circles; they are just adorable. What inspires you in Native American culture? What inspires me about Native American culture is how much it has endured and I would love to see it represented more in every medium. Kris is currently working on adding variety to the Dreamworld environment with new plant elements. Keep up the good work, Kris! Thanks for reading! - Amanda, Legendary Minutes Team

Winter Game Jam 2018

Hello Loyal Followers! Another game jam is upon us! Our four-man team of Alex , Dillon , Leandro , and Wouter are participating in Unreal Engine's Winter Game Jam starting February 8th and ending February 11th. Aah, only three and a half days! I sense a few all-nighters in their future. 2/8 And the theme is.... We've already got an idea forming! To work, team! More info on the game jam here . 2/9 We're got the environment and the character nearly done! Anyone for some skiing? 2/10 Our agent is ready to ski for his life! 2/11 Sadly we have to pull out of the game jam due to illness. Rest up and feel better soon, Leandro!