Meet the Team: Alex

Sulphur Skyline near Jasper, AB Canada, photo by AK
Sulphur Skyline near Jasper, AB Canada, photo by AK

Hello Loyal Followers! 

I know you're all waiting on the edge of your seats for the launch of our website this Friday. Only a couple more days to go! While we wait, it's time to introduce another team member!

NAME  Alex Kolosov
LOCATION  British Columbia, Canada
ROLE  Art & UI Direction, Game Design, Level Design
INTERESTS  Hiking in the mountains and travelling to new places.
If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
Probably a bear because they get to eat lots of berries and sleep through the cold months.
What inspires you in Native American culture?
Unique personification of animals and natural forces which beautifully shapes the art, poetry, music and traditions of Native Americans.

Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get a free map of Chapter 1!

Thanks for reading!
- Amanda, Legendary Minutes Team


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